Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Okay, well we didn't mean to offend anyone in our previous post! We were just saying, Drama is big on blogs, and we were just naming things, we didn't want you to take it personally, I mean yes, everyone does get into fights with friends and foes, but they get over it, and then it starts again. That is why it is called drama. I don't want to make anything "worse" or make people feel bad at all, and we are sorry if we did! We weren't talking to anyone in particular, just saying that blogs are dramatic, and we sorta kinda porved our point by posting this...why do you think we posted it? People are complaining...that is dramatic...over nothing...again, NO ONE IN PARTICULAR!!! Thank you very much.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Drama drama drama!

Blogs have so much drama! Why why why!!?? I mean so many people argue and fight, just be nice!

  1. Kelly imposter thing
  2. Gem and Kelly hating each other
  3. Aly and Lexy being mean to each other and fighting
  4. Jenna quiting because of who knows what
  5. The whole diary2girls drama burst

There are so many other things that have happened that I have read about, like Battle of the Blogs, Lexy and Aly and Aubrey fighting, Jan and Aubrey fighting over and over again, Lexy and Aly fighting before this, Hannah and Sabrina bashing each other by saying one is too grown up and the other isnt grown up enough, the whole "Emi" episode. So many things! Why are blogs so dramatic?

~Dolphin and Wolf

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I love this song! =)

This is like my FAVORITE song ever! I love Charlottes Web, the movie and the book, and I love this song!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Yo from the sizzlers

Hey hey! So what's up? Well, no one has entered the ice cream making contest, so come on, get to the writing! We will send you a cute pic, that you can't get anywhere else! It is not ONLY a contest to WIN, it's a contest for people to get to know each other, and since we are all bloggers going by code names, it's okay to let something about you out! Have fun!
~Dolphin and Wolf

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The end of the depressing story (lol)

As Carrie ran through the front door, she knew exactly what she had to do. She called up Samantha Burkington, the "popular" group leader. The phone rang three times, then Sam (but you can only call her that if you are her friend) picked up. "Uh hi, is this Samantha?" Carrie asked. "Yeah, call to ask advice from me?" Sam (Carrie WISHED she was friends with her) said. It was like she knew everything. "" Carrie replied into the reciever. "Then what do you want?" Sam asked snobbishly. Samantha Burkington was gorgeous, long lucious brown hair that bounced at her shoulders, the perfect amount of freckles on each side of her face, the most beautiful crystal clear green eyes. She was medium height and sporty. Smart, definately. She was at the top of their class. Rich, most certainly. Her house was triple the size of Carrie's house (and Carrie's house was pretty big) and double the size of Lacey's house. Her father was the governor, had been a senator, and had a huge invention that was selling like hotcakes. Her mother owned a bank, and not just a bank, the bank everyone went to. Her family was just wealthy, period. But one thing Sam wasn't, snobby. Carrie had no clue why she acted that way, because she was the nicest person ever. Carrie had once in third grade been best friends with her, and Sam had been the bestest friend ever. "I like someone, and I want you to ask them out for me, will you?" Carrie asked nervously. Sam laughed a snooty laugh. "Whoever it is would probably say no and ask me out!" Sam explained. "Well, no they would most likely say yes to me, and not ask you out!" Carrie said confidently. "Yeah, well who is it, and ah who is this?" Sam asked. "This is Carrie, and I want you to ask your ex, Kyle Morgan!" Sam gasped. Kyle had broken up with her, Sam was sure to say yes, to prove she had moved on. "What?! I cannot believe--" Carrie cut her off. "Sam I know you! I know you are not a snob! I know that you are upset Kyle broke up with you, but he has moved on, and I know you have too! Please Sam, I really like him!" Carrie pleaded. "You don't know anything about me!" Sam gaped. "Why would I hook you up with a guy I like!?" Sam yelled. "Sam!" Carrie cried. But the line was dead.

The next day, Sam came running over to Carrie as soon as she walked through the doors. "Car! I need to talk to you!" Sam called. "What Samantha?" Carrie asked, annoyed. "I'm sorry for what I said, but he said yes!" Sam said excitedly. Carrie jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh!" Carrie said. "I know, I thought he didn't like me anymore, but I guess I was wrong!" Sam said. "What? YOU?!" Carrie said, puzzled. "Yeah, who'd you think I meant, you?" Sam said, laughing. "No, course not." Carrie lied and walked away. Then she saw her group. Laina called her over. "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Tally. "Well I like a guy and he doesn't like me back, that's all, no biggie," Carrie explained. "WHO?" they all asked at once. "Kyle Morgan!" Carrie said. They all gasped. "Eww, he is so ugly," Marris said. "And a jerk!" Laina tuned in. "Yuck, who would ever want to date him?" Tally asked. "I know, he is SO lame!" Katlin said. Carrie rocked on her feet. "Hey dork, what ugly shoes you have!" Laina chanted. "What big ears you have!" Tally said. "What bushy eyebrows you have!" Katlin mocked. "What bug eyes you have!" Marris called. "Stop! What are you saying? I thought you guys were my friends!" Carrie said. "You actually think we'd let you, the dorkiest of all dorks, join our group?!" Tally asked. "We invited you in so we could make fun of you!" Laina explained. "And you fell for it!" Katlin laughed. They all joined in a laugh, all except Carrie. They sounded like a pack of hyenas. Carrie ran away as fast as possible.
When Carrie saw Lacey, her heart raced. Maybe she'd forgive her. "Lace!" Carrie called. "Carrie? What now?" Lacey asked. "I really want to stop fighting, it's draining out all of my energy. Plus, without you I have no friends. My other so called friends just hung out with me so they could make fun of me, and I fell for it!" Carrie said sadly. "Well, you are really gulible!" Lacey said. They both laughed. "Yeah, so what do you say, no more fighting?" "Yeah, fighting and being angry really takes a lot out of you, I haven't slept in days!" Lacey explained. Carrie agreed. "Let's go, BFF!" Lacey called to Carrie. I guess all stories have happy endings.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More of The Story

As Carrie walked home, her eyes almost in tears, she met up with a long lost friend, or, friend she thought."Car? Is that you?!" Molly called from behind Carrie's back. Carrie looked over her shoulder, and stared into the familiar hazel eyes. "M-m-m-olly?" Carrie called back, stuttering. "Oh my gosh! Since I switched schools, I didn't think I'd EVER see you again!" Molly said, coming closer, and raising her eyebrows. " ah what brings you here..." Carrie asked. "I actually came to let you know about a tragedy in your family, since we were SO close back when, your mom said I oughta tell you!" Molly said with a grin. "Well, my mom would have told me I think..."Carrie replied. "Ha! Think again! The tragedy was you!" Molly said evilly. Carrie gasped, "What are you talking about!?" she asked. "Come on and you'll see!" Molly said. "No, Molly, you have always been this way! I am not going anywhere alone with you! EVER!!" Carrie said. Molly had always been manipulative, and black-mailing. Once, Carrie had been caught picking her nose, and Molly was the one to black mail her into doing many very embarrassing things. Seeing her again made Carrie's mouth go dry. "What does she know about me NOW?" Carrie wondered. "So Car, I hear you REALLY like Micheal Wendell?" Molly said. " did you hear that?" Carrie asked. "I didn't! I made it up stupid! But no one ELSE knows that!" Molly said. "Molly stop! You know, ever since you left, things have been peaceful at school! Now that you're back, I have new friends and I don't need you ruining that!" Carrie explained. "Yeah, well Lacey is up in her room crying her eyes out you know, and I bet if I showed up at her house, and talked to her about YOU, then she would probably cry even more!"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I can't help it, I want to write more of the story!

After school, Carrie ran to Lacey's house, taking the usual route. Lacey's mom answered the door and when she saw it was Carrie, smiled shyly and invited her in. Lacey's house was huge. Her father was friends with famour people like Brad Paisley, Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Bill Gates, and a whol bunch of other rich stars. Her father was a writer. He wrote books and movies, and sometimes songs. But he was also the CEO for Abercrombie and Fitch. Lacey's mother worked at a bank during the day, but on Tuesday nights, she was the manager of the Smithsonian Museum. Lacey had a good life, except that her brother did terrible things, and was in jail for Underaged drinking. He had gotten into many car accidents because he was "Under The Influence" and once someone was nearly killed. The Aldrich family was not proud at all of him and they frowned upon his behavior. But they still loved him of course, and visited him every chance they could. The first few times he had been in jail, his father had bailed him out with great sums of money, but now, the fifth time in jail this month, he could not afford to, and knew it would serve his son best to stay in jail and be taught a lesson. But this story is not about him, or his "problems" it is about a friendship on the verge of collapse, and the terrible fate of a close family member, and a huge mystery.
"Lacey?" Carrie asked, knocking on the large white door. So much was behind it, including her best friend, who she hoped would forgive her. "Who is it?" asked Lacey, giggling. "Carrie!" she replied. Lacey opened the door a crack and stuck her head out. Her hair was unmistakably in a bun. Lacey hated buns, what was wrong with her? "What?" Lacey asked snobbishly. "Lacey please forgive me! We are best friends! I don't want to fight!" Carried said pleadingly. "Well, too bad for you, I have friends who are actually nice to me! And I don't need you!" Lacey explained. "But Lace--" "No buts! You were mean to me! REALLY mean! How do I know you won't just do it again?" Lacey asked. "I learned! And I...I...changed!" Carrie said. "Yeah, but not in a good way!"