Sunday, March 2, 2008

I can't help it, I want to write more of the story!

After school, Carrie ran to Lacey's house, taking the usual route. Lacey's mom answered the door and when she saw it was Carrie, smiled shyly and invited her in. Lacey's house was huge. Her father was friends with famour people like Brad Paisley, Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Bill Gates, and a whol bunch of other rich stars. Her father was a writer. He wrote books and movies, and sometimes songs. But he was also the CEO for Abercrombie and Fitch. Lacey's mother worked at a bank during the day, but on Tuesday nights, she was the manager of the Smithsonian Museum. Lacey had a good life, except that her brother did terrible things, and was in jail for Underaged drinking. He had gotten into many car accidents because he was "Under The Influence" and once someone was nearly killed. The Aldrich family was not proud at all of him and they frowned upon his behavior. But they still loved him of course, and visited him every chance they could. The first few times he had been in jail, his father had bailed him out with great sums of money, but now, the fifth time in jail this month, he could not afford to, and knew it would serve his son best to stay in jail and be taught a lesson. But this story is not about him, or his "problems" it is about a friendship on the verge of collapse, and the terrible fate of a close family member, and a huge mystery.
"Lacey?" Carrie asked, knocking on the large white door. So much was behind it, including her best friend, who she hoped would forgive her. "Who is it?" asked Lacey, giggling. "Carrie!" she replied. Lacey opened the door a crack and stuck her head out. Her hair was unmistakably in a bun. Lacey hated buns, what was wrong with her? "What?" Lacey asked snobbishly. "Lacey please forgive me! We are best friends! I don't want to fight!" Carried said pleadingly. "Well, too bad for you, I have friends who are actually nice to me! And I don't need you!" Lacey explained. "But Lace--" "No buts! You were mean to me! REALLY mean! How do I know you won't just do it again?" Lacey asked. "I learned! And I...I...changed!" Carrie said. "Yeah, but not in a good way!"